Today, I started my hunt for a job. (ok, technically its day two) Long story short... After working the past three months at a marketing company, learning the ins and outs of the design world, my boss told me that he couldn't offer me a position after all.
My heart broke a little bit, but I held it together. So here I am, sitting at home in front of my computer, googling every advertising/marketing/design company in Atlanta, praying that I will be lucky enough to find a job.
I used to go to lunch with my good friend, Steph, and we would see these people in the middle of the day taking long lunches and just hanging out. We always wondered what they did that allowed them such free time and we wished we, too, could enjoy a free afternoon. Now I understand, they were probably unemployed and they were probably looking at us wishing they could trade places too.
Instead of getting up and going to work for 8 hours, then going to my (paying) retail job for 4 more hours, coming home and crashing, I now have all this free time. I get up, go to jazzercise, come home and shower (I refuse to sit in my jammies all day), and then... go job hunting. But frankly, one can only do so much hunting at a time before becoming depressed, so I find little things around the house to distract me from my current jobless state. I made chocolate chip cookies, I blog, I contemplate taking wall paper down from my bedroom. And slowly the day passes by.
So here I am... single, unemployed, and living at home. And although some would read this and think, "YIKES, how depressing!" I realize that I am blessed to have family that is super supportive, blessed that I have amazing friends to hang out with, and blessed with a positive attitude that things will turn around. My life isn't exactly where I want it to be right now, but I can still enjoy the ride that takes me there.
So cheers to my life and the adventure that is to come.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
5 days ago
I'll take some of those cookies...and maybe a few filled cupcakes while you're at it...*wink* LOVE you sissy. Something will come along. xoxooxox
Keep that positive attitude, it makes you YOU, and that's the you I love!
(I know I've always said don't repeat a word in the same sentence, this is an exception ;-)
Grad Girl, not sure if you're familiar with a site called Creative Hotlist ( run by Communication Arts, but there's usually quite a few opportunities in ATL. It offers online portfolio tools, as well, so you can market yourself.
Good luck with your job search. It's never easy, but you're in a heck of time right now. Stay strong!
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