Sweat, bugs and... did I mention sweat? It must be time for Flag Football!!
My team is called Whiskey Women and it is my first season playing with them. My friend, Lisa, introduced me to our little team of 10 girls who are all really nice. We had such a great time! A few broken nails aside, no one got hurt even though we played the biggest, baddest team for our first game (their super-sized quarter back ended up falling on me when we made an interception and scored a touchdown; however, the refs said it didn't count because apparently they thought that by her laying on top of me, there was unnecessary roughness on the defense's side. Umm... Hello?!?! She was on top of ME. ). Needless to say, we did not win but I am pretty sure we had the most fun. I look forward to our next game in a week!