Yesterday, I turned the big 2-5! I am so blessed to have such loving friends and family. My birthday celebration, which has lasted a few days, has been so much fun!
I kicked off my birthday week with dinner on Saturday with a bunch of my close friends. We went to Tap in midtown and had a delicious dinner. My new friends, Stephen and Ali, gave me two beautiful scarves. And my friend, Tara, gave me a dazzling necklace. Everyone was in great spirits despite the rainy weather.

We ended dinner and walked across the street to Shout, where we had a drink, learned "the wobble", and met up with a few more people. Before long, we left Shout and endured the drizzle to end up at CosmoLava, getting a little lost along the way. We danced the night away and I had a fabulous time!
Sunday was a lazy day. My good friends, Sarah and Robert, hosted a Super Bowl party that night which was a lot of fun. I didn't really care about the game so much but I really enjoyed getting to see my friends again.
Monday, I went to my first bible study at my new church, Sardis United Methodist. I truly enjoyed the company of the women in the group and they are all incredibly supportive even though I was new. I look forward to growing in my faith along with this wonderful group.
On Tuesday, I met Ali at Hot Yoga. She did such a great job for it being her first time and even said she would come back and try it again, which is more than I did my first time. I have a love-hate relationship with hot yoga. When I do well, I love it and get a great sense of peace and accomplishment. But when I don't prepare enough and feel the overwhelming effects of the heat,
which is about 3 out of 5 times, I dislike it and debate ever going back. This Tuesday, I felt great.
Wednesday was my birthday day! Chaise, my friend and co-worker, brought in homemade chocolate chocolate cupcakes and a bunch of us went out to lunch to celebrate. The people that I work with really make my job a happy place to be. Everyone was coming over and wishing me happy birthday. After work, I met my boyfriend, sister, b-i-l, and nephew for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Alan brought me a beautiful bouquet of birthday flowers. The whole day was filled with happiness and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family who went out of their way to make me feel loved.

25 is going to be a great year!
1 comment:
It was fun for us too! Happy Birthday! oxoxoxo
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