I should of just stayed in bed today...
1) The bookstore was not opened
I woke up this morning extra early so that I could run over to the bookstore to pick up a booklet for my art history test. When I got up, I had quite the headache, a tickle in my throat, and a very achy body, but I got ready and headed out the door. The plan was to get my booklet and come back and review for the test one last time. I couldn't find parking for the bookstore except for three blocks away. I parked and scurried over there only to yank on the doors and have them no even budge. I pulled again... nothing. I peered in the window, it said opens at 8am. I checked my watch. I was clearly 9:07am. I started banging on the doors. Maybe they forgot to unlock them. Nothing. I looked at my watch, 9:10am. If I was going to get to my test ontime, I needed to go back to my house and get my bookbag. I left the evil bookstore praying that the one on campus was opened.
2) They decided to paint the road
By the time I got back to my apartment, picked up my bookbag, and drove across campus, I knew the only way I was going to get a close spot to my building would be to park by work. It sounded like a good idea at the time. I bypassed the more popular main road parking spots and headed straight to my road... only to find that orange cones lined both sides. My eyes went wide with fear as I realized that dispite the road being repaved over two months ago, they chose today to repaint the lines. I drove through, desparate for a spot so I could run by the bookstore and pick my test booklet. I found one... four blocks away from campus.
3) I had to sit in the breezy seat
After walking with a marathon runner's pace to the bookstore and finally getting my booklet (61 cents for eight pages of normal notebook paper stapled inside a piece of blue paper), I made it to class. Being test day, everyone who normally sleeps in was actually there. This meant lack of prime seating. The only seats left were either in the nosebleed section, or the breezy seat. The breezy seat, for those who are not enrolled in a class that inhabits a probably 100 year old building, is the desk that sits next to the door with no insullation around in, that leads to outside, but is never used due to the odd placement. The one day I forget my coat, I get the breezy seat.
4) Test from Hell
My teacher clearly designed this test to crush the spirit of any non-art history major. And the email that I thought I understood from her describing what would be on there, clearly was not understood.
5) Should have been a sick-day
I drove home after my test and was feeling even worse than this morning. I was achier, my nose was a faucet, and my throat felt like it was closing in. I barely had time to rest when I had to go back to campus and go to work.
6) Oh Work
I got to work wanting it to be one of those normal mondays where the office was slower than slow. But of course with it being smack in the middle of greek week and homecoming closing in, the office was a flurry of activity. The register was broken, so selling homecoming concert tickets took twice as long. And all of a sudden the copier/fax machine decided it was necassary to eat every paper put in it. When I emptied it, it was still screaming "
paper jam" but there was no paper in it. The only nice thing that happened was that my boss looked over at me and sai "You look worse. Are you feeling worse? I think you should go home." So, thankfully I left.
I walked the seven million blocks to my car and drove home.
7) "It looks viral but we're not sure what it is"
My sweet boyfriend came by and took me to the campus infermary. I finally got called into the back after waiting about half an hour. She went over my symptoms and decided that a flu test was necessary. DID YOU KNOW that to do a flu test they shove a huge cotton swab up your nose alllllllll the way?!?! It hurt soooo bad!!! And then I did a strep test for good measure. Both came back negative and the place was out of medicine. The doctor told me that whatever I have looks viral but shes not sure what it is and that if I still feel bad in 7 to 10 days to come back. If I don't feel better in 7 days, I'm going to a reall doctor.
So, that is it. The end of my no good very bad day. I am not leaving my house until this day is done with.