Monday, March 16, 2009

A Girl Obsessed

In case you did not know, I am a girl obsessed. Ever since I can remember I have been a dog lover. Cuddly, loyal, and oh so cute, I am dog obsessed. On my 10th birthday, my mom surprised me by taking me to the pet store to look for a pup. We had a dog at the time, Teddy, but I wanted to get him a friend. We brought home Maddy that day. A sweet little Maltese, my puppy. A few years later, after Teddy passed away, we wanted to get Maddy a friend (losing Ted made her lonely). Thats when Sharkey came home with us. A chubby brown and white Chihuahua with the sweetest personality ever. About a year after that, Bailey, a tan colored Chihuahua, was adopted after my sister realized she could not handle having a pup at that moment in her life. So, for many years I have lived amoung these little animals, loving every minute of it.

I moved away from home to go to college about three and a half years ago. Living away from my furry friends is tough. Its odd not having to watch my feet to make sure I'm not going to step on a tail or a paw. No one barks when someone comes to the door. Its definitely different and kind of lonely. Which is why I am on the constant look out for my potenial future puppy. I love looking at the local rescue websites as well as petfinder just to see whats out there. I want to adopt almost every pup I see. I came upon this adorable little papillon/chihuahua mix named Leia. Although I am not at a place in my life to get a dog (so says my mom), if I could go get Leia tomorrow, I probably would. Don't worry Mom, I'm not going to... but its a nice dream I have.