Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Doggy Play Land

My parents left for a trip out of town and I offered to watch their three dogs. That makes four dogs in my tiny condo. My mom dropped them off and not five minutes after they arrived, someone peed on three of the four rugs I own. So I rolled up the main rug, stuffed it in my little closet, and created doggy play land.

I have heard the expression "herding cats" before, and that is what I felt like when my mom and I took all four pups outside in my complex. Two of them won't walk on a leash, one of them likes to wonder, and one of them has the never-ending energy of a toddler.

Other than the chaos of herding them all into the condo, I don't see it being any trouble watching these three relatively lethargic pups. I am looking forward to leaving them behind with the other dog-sitter and meeting up with my parents in Florida this weekend. I get to meet my tiny baby nephew Nathan!!

1 comment:

Sjn said...

thanks for watching the pups and letting them stay at your place!